At AVBotz we built on an autonomous submarine to compete at AUVSI Robosub. The challenge what that I had little programming experience going in and low and high level programming skills were required to write the autonomous code, sensor interfacing, computer vision, and motor control. We had a sparse budget and still had to raise the bar as Robosub was a collegiate competition.
The first few years were spent learning basic C++, programming design and practices. We would also spend time learning the dauntingly large code file that contained all the code that ran Barracuda, our submarine. Later we refactored the code into a more modular and easy to read fashion. I would later work on implementing new tasks that were introduced during each year of Robosub. I would also focus on ways to improve image processing quality. This was due to the fact that the competition pool’s water was not clear and there would always be debris and moss than threw off our processing systems.